Church School

Dry Drayton Church has close links with Dry Drayton Church of England Primary School. Our vicar leads assemblies weekly in school and the children also come to the church for regular special events.

This term (Spring 2024) we have been exploring creation in our weekly assemblies. We studied Genesis 1 in greater depth and thought about God’s command to humans to look after our beautiful world for today and for the future. We explored ways in which we can make a big difference together when we take small steps to recycle, reuse and reduce.

“God saw everything He had created and thought it was very good.” Genesis 1:31

This term we have learnt that it is everybody’s responsibility to protect and preserve the world for future generations. We have also followed Bishop Dagmar’s Lent challenge and together we are working hard to make a big difference.

To see more of the things we explored this term, please click here.

What small, good things can we do to make a big difference?
We shared our ideas with Bishop Dagmar using this tree.

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